Thursday, November 28, 2019

Paul walker essay free essay sample

Paul Walker born in California in 1973, he made his bigscreen debut in the 1986 horror spoof â€Å"Monster in Your Closet. † After appearing in several television shows in the 1990s, including Charles in Charge, Whos the Boss? and The Young and the Restless, Walker gained attention with a role in the 1999 film Varsity Blues, and his TV days were officially behind him. After working in teen movies such as Shes All That and The Skulls. Walker got his breakthrough role in 2001 with The Fast and the Furious, which would become his star vehicle and keep him busy through four sequels and a short prequel. The Fast and the Furious which established Walker as an action-film actor, and he went on to appear in several films in the genre, including Takers, Hours and Vehicle 19. Walker died in a car accident on November 30, 2013, at age 40. In 2001, Walkers career hit overdrive when he landed a leading role alongside up-and-comer Vin Diesel in The Fast and the Furious. We will write a custom essay sample on Paul walker essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A film that paid homage to road films of the 1970s, The Fast and the Furious brought Walker to new heights of fame on the way to box-office receipts of more than $200 million. With this money he donated most of it to various charities and third world countires that were in need of the extra help. In 2012, Walker signed on to film The Fast and the Furious 6, keeping the series going. While not filming, Walker was active in Reach Out Worldwide, a nonprofit organization he formed in 2010 to bring aid to regions devastated by natural disasters. Paul Walkers death in a car crash is a tragedy, but the good deeds he did for others will live on. Walkers generosity in a random act of kindness recently came to light. In 2004, the actor stopped by jewelry store Bailey Banks Biddle in Santa Barbara, CA, and encountered a military couple browsing the engagement rings. Kyle Upham, a soldier who was about to be deployed on his second tour of duty in Iraq, was in the store with his wife, Kristen. He wanted to upgrade her ring to something nicer. One engagement set caught Kristens eye, but it was $9,000 way out of their budget. I noticed there was someone else in there, but didnt give it much thought, Kristen recalled to CBS in Los Angeles. We started looking at rings and whatnot and he kept saying, Go bigger and I kept saying, No, look at the prices. The newlyweds struck up a conversation with Walker and soon realized they were speaking to the star of The Fast and the Furious actor. Walker seemed even more impressed with Kyles line of work. After there conversation the couple left the store without purchasing anything. While heading out the salesperson ran out of the store calling the couple back stating that the 9000$ ring is freee of charge. The salesperson didnt reveal to the couple who purchased the ring for them, but decided to come public with the truth after Walkers death, thinking it would be a nice story to share with the world. He called the manager and he said, Um, the ring that those people are looking at put it on my tab,' she said. Soon after that, he just left. To do something like that to a perfect stranger is just unbelievable, King adds. The couple, who is still happily married, plans to hand the ring down to the next generations in their family. Kristen said, Its still to this day the most generous thing anyone has ever done for me. This was just one of the remarkable things that Walker did out of the kindness of his heart. Paul Walker created charities and organizations to help others in need of help due to natural disasters. Paul Walker founded the organization, which works with local experts to provide disaster relief, in January 2010, after Haiti was devastated by an earthquake. On the day of his death, Walker was attending a holiday toy drive for the organization. Even after his death his fellow actors of â€Å"Fast and Furious† and also family continues to donate and encourages people to donate to Paul Walkers organization. With the passing of Paul, the world has lost a man who spent a great deal of his life in service to others, stated the chairman of Universal Pictures, Donna Langley. His organizations reaches worldwide and collects proceeds everywhere. Paul Walker dedicated himself to helping those blighted by natural disasters across the world. He is seen in Haiti and Chile working for the charity he set up, â€Å"Reach Out Worldwide† (his organization), most recently secretly plowing money into the tornado-struck Philippines. â€Å"We lost one of the good ones, but he’s left a lasting legacy,† stated the charity’s operation manager. Over the last three years, Paul was on the ground in destroyed villages of Haiti, Chile and Alabama and set up hospitals to areas destroyed by tsunamis and tornadoes, much to the amazement of local people and too many of his fans. Paul saw what was happening in some poorer countries and wasn’t content to donate to the Red Cross, but got ROW started. He would literally get on the phone and kick down the doors to get doctors, nurses, specialists, and put together a team to get out to disasters. Haiti was the first one. After the earthquake hit Haiti in January 2010, Paul and a team went straight out there to help save lives. The things that Paul Walker did were very remarkable! Paul Walker random acts of kindness were what really made him amazing and nice hearted. While not filming, Walker was active in Reach Out Worldwide, a nonprofit organization he formed in 2010 to bring aid to regions devastated by natural disasters. Walker died in a car accident on November 30, 2013 at the age of 40. Walker was in Santa Clarita, California to attend a charity event for Reach Out Worldwide to benefit victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. He was reportedly in the passenger seat of a Porsche when his friend who was driving lost control, crashing the vehicle into a tree. The car was engulfed in flames and both individuals were pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. Even in his death he was still trying to help others and a country that needed help. Paul walker will surely be remembered for his generosity and giving natures, alive and even after his death.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Entender las órdenes ejecutivas migratorias de Trump

Entender las à ³rdenes ejecutivas migratorias de Trump Donald Trump  llegà ³ a la presidencia de los Estados Unidos prometiendo grandes cambios en materia migratoria, que empiezan a ser una realidad en relacià ³n al  muro,  deportaciones, programa Comunidades Seguras, ciudades santuario, refugiados y visas Adems se espera novedades inmediatas en relacià ³n a visa H-1B, visa E-2, etc. Este artà ­culo trata  de las novedades en esos temas y tambià ©n de las que se esperan pronto porque Trump aludià ³ a ellos la campaà ±a pero sobre los que todavà ­a no hay noticias. Siempre tratando de dar informacià ³n sobre lo que se sabe por ahora y de huir de la especulacià ³n, que tanto daà ±o y miedo est causando. Los temas que se tratan son en este artà ­culo son: Construccià ³n del muro en frontera con Mà ©xicoDeportacià ³n y sus prioridadesRefugiados y prohibiciones para paà ­ses musulmanesCiudadanà ­a de los hijos de migrantes indocumentadosConfiscacià ³n de dineroDACA y otros programas aprobados por Accià ³n EjecutivaReforma migratoriaVisas TN para mexicanos y canadiensesVisas no inmigrantes, tipo turista, estudiantes, trabajo temporal, etc Detenciones, comunidades seguras y ciudades santuario Por orden ejecutiva de enero de 2017  se re-establece el  Programa Comunidades Seguras,  que fue el que  causà ³ un incremento  enorme  de  deportaciones  en los primeros aà ±os del gobierno de Obama. Adems, se ha prometido deportar a tres millones de migrantes indocumentados criminales. Esto en la prctica se ha traducido en redadas en hogares y lugares de trabajo en al menos 6 estados con arrestos de cientos de migrantes con rà ©cord pero tambià ©n con un rà ©cord absolutamente limpio. Y en eventos no relacionados se ha procedido a la deportacià ³n de migrantes con felonies consideradas menores. Esta es la  nueva realidad de polà ­tica de deportacià ³n y sus prioridades,  asà ­ como quà © se puede hacer y cà ³mo estar preparado. Construccin de un muro en la frontera de Estados Unidos con Mxico Por orden de Trump, Estados Unidos reforzar la seguridad en su frontera terrestre con Mà ©xico mediante la construccià ³n de un muro. Se estima que costar unos $ 6.5 millones de dà ³lares americanos por cada milla construida a lo que hay que sumar otros $4.2 millones por milla en concepto de carreteras de acceso y dems infraestructuras de apoyo. Adems, habrà ­a que sumar el importe por su mantenimiento. Por todo ello se estima que el costo final puede rondar desde los $14 a los $20 mil millones de dà ³lares americanos (billones, en la manera de contar de Estados Unidos). Aunque no est clara la procedencia de todo el dinero para la construccià ³n de un muro a lo largo de casi 2 mil millas de frontera, al menos una parte ser dinero federal ya presupuestado para otros asuntos que se destinar ahora para dicha construccià ³n. Refugiados y pases musulmanes La nueva orden ejecutiva a aplicar por decisià ³n de la Corte Suprema hasta que se decida sobre su constitucional  es que  se prohibe el ingreso a los Estados Unidos   por 90 dà ­as a  los ciudadanos 6 paà ­ses con poblacià ³n musulmana en su mayorà ­a: Irn,  Sudn, Libia, Somalia, Siria y Yemen. Adems, se paraliza el programa de refugiados para ciudadanos de esos  paà ­ses por 120 dà ­as. Sin embargo, esta medida no aplica a los residentes permanentes legales (green card) de ciudadanos de dichos  paà ­ses y tampoco a las personas que tengan un và ­nculo fiable con una persona o entidad de los Estados Unidos. Finalmente, tener en consideracià ³n que la situacià ³n de refugiado y asilado se parecen, pero son distintas. Ciudadana de hijos de indocumentados Una de las cosas que dijo Trump durante la campaà ±a es que quitarà ­a la ciudadanà ­a a los hijos de migrantes indocumentados. Esto es altamente improbable que ocurra porque ese derecho de la ciudadanà ­a para los nacidos en Estados Unidos est protegido en la Constitucià ³n y quitarlo requerirà ­a una reforma constitucional, lo cual es difà ­cil. Confiscacin de dinero Este es uno de los temores extendidos por las comunidades migrantes. Pero es que no es posible para el gobierno confisca el dinero por razà ³n del estatus migratorio de su dueà ±o. Y esto es asà ­ tanto para el que se tiene en Estados Unidos como para el que se envà ­a por remesa a otro paà ­s Si el gobierno quisiera hacerlo serà ­a inconstitucional y habrà ­a una gran batalla en corte. Ordenes Ejecutivas del presidente Obama: Dreamers y militares Durante su presidencia Obama decidià ³ dar ciertas protecciones a migrantes indocumentados. Algunas como Parole In Place, para familiares de militares, y DACA, para muchachos que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os, salieron adelantes y estn siendo aplicados. Con fecha del 5 de septiembre de 2017, no se admiten aplicaciones nuevas para DACA. Adems se ha anunciado que con fecha del 5 de marzo de 2018 DACA dejar de existir, ponià ©ndose asà ­ fin a los permisos de trabajo y a las protecciones frente a la deportacià ³n que benefician a un total de ms de 800 mil jà ³venes indocumentados   conocidos como Dreamers yque llegaron al paà ­s siendo nià ±os y que cumplà ­an requisitos muy estrictos para estar protegidos por este programa. Para informarse hay pginas muy buenas dedicadas a los Dreamers como la de United We Dream o la de My Undocumented Life.   Reforma migratoria Durante la presidencia de Barak Obama hubo varios intentos de reforma migratoria promovidos por comità ©s tanto en la Cmara de Representantes como en el Senado, con partidarios de ambos partidos. Sin embargo, los esfuerzos quedaron en nada. La presidencia de Donald Trump -republicano- se inicia con ambas cmaras del Congreso con mayorà ­a republicana, Todo parece indicar que serà ­a impensable aprobar en estas circunstancias un cambio de ley para dar paso a la legalizacià ³n de los once millones de indocumentados que actualmente se estima que viven en Estados Unidos. Sà ­ que es sensato pensar en que es posible un cambio de algunas leyes migratorias para reforzar los controles fronterizos, particularmente a lo largo de las ms de 1951 millas que separan Estados Unidos y Mà ©xico. Visas TN para mexicanos y canadienses Al amparo del Tratado de Libre Comercio (NAFTA), canadienses y mexicanos pueden disfrutar de las visas que se conocen como TN, que en el caso de mexicanos aplican a un largo listado de profesionales y que les permite trabajar temporalmente en los Estados Unidos. Trump convirtià ³ su oposicià ³n a algunos tratados de libre comercio en una pieza clave de su campaà ±a, lo cual sin duda le proporcionà ³ un importante nà ºmero de votos, particularmente en estados afectados duramente por la deslocalizacià ³n.   Sin embargo, no est claro quà © va a hacer Trump al respeto cuando llegue a la Casa Blanca. Si bien es cierto que el presidente de los Estados Unidos tiene el poder para decidir unilateralmente retirar al paà ­s de cualquier tratado de libre comercio.   En el caso de NAFTA no se sabe quà © va a pasar, pero es probable pensar que puede haber renegociaciones de algunos puntos del tratado, a lo cual ya tanto Canad como Mà ©xico han dicho que estn dispuestos a hablar.   Si hubiera renegociacià ³n, todavà ­a no est claro quà © aspectos se tocarà ­an y se afectarà ­a a las visas TN, tanto para el futuro como al estatus de las ya aprobadas.   En todo caso, toda renegociacià ³n de un tratado transcurre a lo largo de aà ±os, por lo que en principio no hay que esperar ningà ºn cambio inminente. Obtencin de visas no inmigrante Por orden ejecutiva de Trump, se suspende el US Visa Interview Waiver Program. Es decir, vuelve a ser obligatoria la entrevista en el consulado o embajada para renovar la visa de turista. La implementacià ³n de esta nueva regla puede llevar a retrasos en las tramitaciones de las visas ya que los consulados tendrn ahora que acomodar esa nueva carga de trabajo. Adems, se puede solicitar la entrega de informacià ³n sobre redes sociales y cuentas de correo electrà ³nico. El Presidente puede decidir cà ³mo los oficiales consulares interpretan la ley, a la hora de aprobar o denegar las visas no inmigrante, entre las que se encuentran las de turista, intercambio, trabajo temporal, estudiante, etc.   Por ejemplo, puede decidir un mayor escrutinio en todas las solicitudes de visa, o sà ³lo en las de ciertos paà ­ses. Incluso el Presidente est capacitado para ordenar que no se aprueben visas en un determinado paà ­s, ya que para eso no es necesario el permiso previo de la Cmara de Representantes ni del Senado. Adems, con respecto a la visa H-1B para profesionales y   que es utilizada por muchos ingenieros, se ha eliminado temporalmente la posibilidad de utilizar la tramitacià ³n exprà ©s mediante el pago de una tarifa extra. Derechos de los migrantes indocumentados Todos los migrantes tienen derechos bsicos, incluidos los indocumentados. Recordar siempre dos muy importantes. En primer lugar, el derecho a no declarar contra uno mismo, es decir, a mantenerse en silencio. Y en segundo lugar que la migra solo puede entrar a la casa si tiene una orden firmada por un juez. Si llaman a la puerta, no abrir, y pedir que se enseà ±e por una ventana o por debajo de la puerta dicha orden. Esta es una tarjeta de derechos, en espaà ±ol y en inglà ©s, elaborada por el National Immigration Law Center que tiene informacià ³n fundamental. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Electric and Magnetic Fields Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Electric and Magnetic Fields - Essay Example Electrical charges and magnets are found to exert forces upon distant objects, thereby altering the region of space surrounding them. The altered space becomes the force field  eventually and through this effect, the body is able to respond to its local environment enabling distant objects to react across space by the nature of the forces caused by the fields. A magnet or an electric charge responds to the field made by the objects immediately within its reach. Equivalently, a massive object can establish a  field of gravity upon which distant entities manage a certain degree of exertion. Though magnetic fields  function hand in hand with electric fields, specific properties distinguish one from the other. The notion of field lines and magnetic fields in existence was initially studied by the English scientist Michael Faraday  (1791-1867) then further by  James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), both of whom pioneered remarkable discoveries of electromagnetism in several aspects.  Maxwell proposed that ‘if a changing magnetic field can make an electric field, then a changing electric field, as via an oscillating electric charge for instance, should make a magnetic field’. Under these circumstances, the changing electric and magnetic fields would activate each other and move at a speed approaching the speed of light. Base on such grounds with empirical findings, Maxwell came up with the theory that light  is  an electromagnetic wave which was given proof by the experiments conducted after his time. Figure 1 - Electric Field (Red) and Magnetic Field (Blue) Since the electric power has been of chief significance to living, humans have engaged themselves into conception of possibilities to obtain higher potentials and benefits with electric and magnetic fields given constant exposure to them. Scientists have long understood even during the 19th century that there exists special connection between electrical fields and magnetic fields which may be experienced everywhere on earth. Moving electric charge (electric current) can induce magnetic field. As such, coils of wire can serve as large electromagnets used in car junk yards in the same way that electric motors can be used to start a car engine or spin a computer’s hard disk. This phenomenon explicates as well how ordinary magnets are derived from tiny currents at the atomic level. An electrical current or electric field is formed by an altering magnetic field which creates electromagnetic waves in the process. Power generator manufacturers utilize this principle to have large coils of wire bear the expected capacity of yielding magnetic field whether by falling water, wind, or steam by burning coal or oil, and even by through the heat coming from nuclear reactions whenever feasible. Audio and video tapes and compact disks, similarly, are capable of encoding information in magnetic patterns whereby magnetic directions and magnetic strengths are alternating. When a magnetic disk or tape material happens to pass near wire coils of any size, electrical currents or fields are generated. Because magnetic fields are regions where an object exhibits magnetic influence, the same object acquires the potential to attract or repel a neighboring magnetic body along the magnetic field lines. It must be noted, however, that magnetic forces have nothing to do with  gravity and the amount of gravity depends upon an object's mass whereas magnetic strength is a function

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critically assess the theoretical and practical debates about Essay

Critically assess the theoretical and practical debates about stakeholding focussing either on the basic income or asset aspects. Address the issues in the context of a particular society of your choice - Essay Example The concept of stakeholding stipulates that every citizen upon attainment of an adulthood age, 21 years as proposed by Ackerman and Alstott, should receive a considerable lump sum one-time grant from the government. The amount given should be sufficient to qualify one as a significant wealth owner. Ackerman and Alstott recommended that the amount should total $80,000 in the United States (Ackerman et al, 2006). This essay is aimed at critically assessing the theoretical and practical debates concerning stakeholders grant in relation to basic income or assets. The Presented discussion will be addressed in the context of African American society in the United States. The need for contemporary public policies has been necessitated by the transformative nature of the current labour market. Sherraden (2005) argued that market risks no longer impact directly on collective intermediary, government and insurance institutions but affects individuals and consequently their families. The current framework of social welfare has proved ineffective as witnessed from the deterioration of means tested program systems and lack of will by the governing institutions. Therefore, Ackerman and Alstott noted that the introduction of stakeholding would lead to progressive redistribution of wealth among members of the society (Ackerman et al, 2006). According to Paxton and White (2005), social policy campaign by egalitarian crusaders of has been focused on the redistribution of resource ownership. Proponents of stakeholding as form of social policy argues that highly privileged individuals inherit wealth from their parents while children from poor backgrounds are like ly to continue languishing due to absence of inheritance. In such a scenario, underprivileged African Americans have been left without prerequisite resources to attend colleges and universities. Arguments by Ackerman and Alstott have been evidenced by the extent of income disparity between

Monday, November 18, 2019

Why I want to attend a particular law school Essay

Why I want to attend a particular law school - Essay Example To begin with, I am convinced that I am an excellent match for the Harvard Law School Program on International Financial Systems (PIFS), since the program has been instrumental at inculcating exchange of ideas as well as research on capital markets, financial regulation, and international financial systems. With my Bachelor’s degree in Finance, and my keen interest towards the international law realms, I have undoubtedly looked into a number of law schools and found that Harvard Law School’s PIF, being run by acclaimed professor Hal Scott is an exceptional blueprint, which offers a more comprehensive study of international finance than any other law school. It gives me more reason to be genuinely excited about the possibility of participating in Harvard Law School’s global international legal studies outside the classroom. Specifically, the international learning possibilities afforded by attending the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland appear sizeable when I contemplate such measures. My personal commitment towards improving the conditions in Tanzania and east Africa, as discussed in my personal statement, would greatly be facilitated by my studies of the World Trade Organization law and the United Nations law, besides international finance and economics. Harvard Law School has a universal appeal to an individual who is looking to attend a law school, as well as to any organization or agency, which is looking to hire the sharpest legal minds. I would be most pleased and honored to be a part of the Harvard Law School’s younger demographics, with decades ahead of me to hone my legal skills and to become a scholar in a field that will only continue to grow and develop as international expertise in the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Importance Of Stakeholders In An Event Launch Tourism Essay

Importance Of Stakeholders In An Event Launch Tourism Essay This report discusses launching of a new tablet launched by apple. This is a brand new model of a tablet that can be used by anybody and it is also suitable and adopted for every user including children with leaning disabilities due to its customizable features. As a consultant working with the companys event planning team for this product launch, this report will be focusing on the process of planning this event. The process of how to get the potential customers and key stakeholders persons informed and invited to the event. And most important is for the planning process to lead to achieving the companys goals of higher sales targets and to promote the new product to the customers. To meet this, the event needs to be planned in such away that the invited guests and all potential customers gets a positive experience that promotes the image of the company and the brand being marketed. INTRODUCTION Event planning is the procedure of handling a project of this kind through arranging such as a conference, a convention, a trade fair, a team building activity, a hospitality gathering or an exhibition. The planning process includes drawing a realistic budget, drawing a timetable of every activity, choosing and reserving the event venues, obtaining permits where necessary and needed. Planning and making arrangements for food and drinks, harmonising transportation of people and items, designing a suitable theme planning for every activity. There is also need to chose and invite keynote speakers and promoters in good time and ensuring that the venue is well facilitated and equipped with a good public address system if planning for big audiences. Risk management needs to be accounted for while having some contingency plans in cases of eventualities. Event Planning consists of coordinating every little detail of planning from the speakers and meeting location to arranging for printed mat erials and advertising the event itself through chosen media. Event planning begins with determining the objective that the sponsoring organization wants to achieve. Planners strategically choose speakers, entertainment teams and activities, content, and arrange the program to present the organizations information in the most effective way. Meeting planners are responsible for selecting meeting venues, likely guests and how to get them to the meeting. (Institute of Event management, 2012) According to Fill(2005), Marketing communications is a management process through which an organisation endeavours to share its product information with its various audiences. Through understanding the audiences communications setting, organisations seek to cultivate and present messages suitable for their identified stakeholders and interest groups before evaluating and acting upon any responses. By conveying messages that are of significant value, audiences are encouraged to offer attitudinal and behavioural positive response. This Tablet being an electronic item has a potential for a very wide market. It is likely to attract attention from various individuals and groups of people who may include students, teachers, parents of children with learning disabilities, educational institutions and just the general public. OBJECTIVES OF AN EVENT PLANNING Every event planning or product launch should have its goals and objectives to form the vision because without them, your event will not have any defined vision. However, an event can have one or many goals and multiple objectives supporting the goals which are necessary to the success of the event. There should be more than one purpose for an event planning, for example this event is about launching a new product by raising sales target and also promoting the brand. The main purpose of this product launch is to put across our communication strategies either by using the push or pull strategy. The main focus strategy which will be more vital with this product is the pull strategy, by focusing more on the direct consumers than business to business consumers which is also referred to as the push strategy. PROCESS OF PLANNING AN EVENT One very essential stage in an event planning is to have a budget to guide your expenditure and it is also your responsibility as the event organiser to stay within the limits of your budget. Similarly, your also need to develop a marketing strategy which includes advertisements either through the media, internet or digital media for example, social networks and focus groups. And to coordinate the communications and promotional activities for your event as the success of your event will ultimately depend on your ability to sell the event to those attending it. (Carter L., 2007) In order to create an event to fulfil your customers objectives and be everything that they hope it will be, it is important to begin with their event vision. This is where you will be able to determine what is most important to them. Event visualization is after event objectives have been set out, should be your first starting point for planning the event. For this product, apple needs to focus on the PULL strategy as this product is most likely to directly to individual consumers. So a good part of the advertising budget for this event should be committed to digital marketing such as internet marketing, use of social websites like face book, tweeter and the like. Internet advertising through search engine optimisations, email marketing using their existing customers database, contacts and referrals would also be suitable strategies for this product. Use of mobile marketing strategies such as text messaging, ringtones, games demonstrating the product and its new and unique features would prove a success for this kind of item. The beauty of these media is that they would even lead word of mouth since the messages are targeted at the consumers directly. Another good strategy would be to target influential stakeholders and customers invitation to a well planned corporate launch event. In order to host an event that will fulfil your companys objectives and yet have appositive impact to the guests, the planners need to have a clear vision. This is where you will be able to determine what is most important and prioritise the process. Choosing a location is also a very important stage in an event planning, and it needs to be booked at a very early stage to avoid any delays or last minute disappointments. The location needs to be convenience for the visitors and there should be enough room for product display and also for visitors to have space to work around the products and demonstrate them as well. Parking should not be a problem as most of the guest will be driving to the event. Team building is very important in an event planning process; you need good staffing and a security plan. Such a plan is the glue that holds the event together. Coordinate the efforts of your staff (paid and volunteer) and vendors with the venue contact person. Include details such as when vendors arrive, where and how they unload their equipment, where they set up, and how they manage all aspects of the event. You should also address how and when they will tear down and load up to avoid costly surprises. Effective communication on-site is critical. All staff should be fluent in how to operate your communications system (such as walkie-talkies and headsets) and how to contact those responsible for emergency support. Every event needs to address security, even if it just includes hiring an off-duty police officer, working with the hotels security team, it will be worth it. Having a list of emergency phone numbers handy is also helpful. (Jodi W., 2010) Also, another essential part of such an event is to provide the guests with food and refreshments. If possible, hire a DJ to provide the visitors with music to make the environment lively and lift the spirits of the visitors. Engage your customers with conversations by contacting them face to face specially the key visitors and stakeholders. If possible equip your team members with good knowledge of the product to engage with the customers and get them to try the Tablets for themselves and not just be told about them. You could go a further step by setting up an offer price for a promotional sale of the tablet just for this launch day. This will encourage customers and stakeholders to attend, have personal experience with the product and afterwards spread word about it. It might also get many people excited to take advantage of the promotional price and boost the sales. Such an approach is deemed likely to produce positive results. According to Duncan and Moriarty (1997), there are some communications that arise from unplanned or unintended experiences and also there are planned marketing communications. IMPORTANCE OF STAKEHOLDERS IN AN EVENT LAUNCH Stakeholders include, suppliers, customers, investors and the media, they are very important in an event planning because they can be affected by the event and the event also can be affected by the type of evaluation received by the stakeholders. In order to realise the success of an event, it is important to have open communication channels among all stake holders. Since events have broader impacts on a wider public, such open communications will bring more feedback to the company. It is also important to remember that stakeholders are people with vested interests in the company and its products. They are therefore potential attendees. Stake holders add value and reputation to the success of the whole event. Moreover getting the right stakeholders to your event can create the prospect of a great evaluation for the future event planning as well. You can find out what the views and thoughts of key people and important stakeholders by engaging in face to face charts with them throughou t the event.(Robinson P. et al 2010). EVENT EVALUATION PROCESS Finally, as soon as the event is over and the guests have all gone home, while you may be eager to put your planning documents and files away and move one, right after the event is the right time to evaluate the success of your event and discuss opportunities for a better improvement in a future event planning. However, a thorough post-event evaluation ensures you will capture the important details your companys needs to improve its fundraising. A successful evaluation is also a good start for the preparations of your next event. You can get feedbacks from your guest in different ways, either by asking them about their view about the whole event or by giving them questionnaires to fill in and hand it back before living. These feedbacks from your visitors can help you evaluate the success factor of the event. Also it is very important to meet with the event committee and all your team members who were involved in the event process. Arrange a meeting with them and make sure you give them enough time for discussion getting their view and gather all vital information from them for an evaluation for a future event plan. Make sure you cover every important aspect of the event, being careful to note which topics hit nerves in a positive or negative way so you can keep the meeting upbeat. (greater giving, 2012) Conclusions In order to attract the attention of all your potential customers, planners needs to implement the best marketing strategies at their disposal and start good planning ahead of the event for success. Whether the company will choose to use the services of a marketing consultant or manage these issues on their own, its up to them provided the aims and objectives are kept in focus. All important aspects of the planning process need to be taken care of. These should include all the fine details of the whole process such as budgeting actions and steps to be implemented by particular individuals on the planning team. Once all these are done with success, it shouldnt be a big problem for the company to succeed by getting the tartgetde ausdeince to its event nadn thefeor achieves their aims and objectives of the marketing process.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Security Communities :: essays research papers

Security Communities and Multilateralism 1.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States and Canada have enjoyed a very peaceful relationship over the past 125 years, even though they share a border that is 5,000 miles long and undefended. Shore says that ?neither side regards the other as even a potential military threat, despite the fact that interstate anarchy supposedly makes war an ever-present possibility. Conflicts materialize and are resolved without the expectation that they might lead to violence.? (Shore, 1998, 333) Because of this relationship, Shore says the US and Canada are a perfect example of a pluralistic security community.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The peaceful US-Canada relationship is largely the result of the political learning that has occurred over the past two centuries. While the United States and Canada have had their share of political problems, these problems have not been the type that can create insecurity within the region. As Shore says, the undefended border has prompted both the United States and Canada to see each other in pacific terms, even when there is antagonism and miscommunication. Specifically, the demilitarization both countries have engaged in has helped promote a climate of trust between them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The shared values of the US-Canadian political systems has also guaranteed that a shared US-Canada identity has developed to bind the two countries? interests together, so that they have established transnational relations in terms of shared political economic, and cultural exchange. Shore notes that Canadian and American ways of life have become inextricably linked. As a result, peaceful expectations have reinforced peaceful practices, and vice versa, so that war seems absurd, and an undefended border as well as peace seem normal. Any problems in terms of political behavior have largely involved Canadian nationalism, as Canadian leaders try to get their country to follow a path that isn?t always dependent on the actions of the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There have been problems with the two countries ? economic behavior, because their economies are linked. The North American Free Trade Agreement has closely connected the American and Canadian economies, so that if one falters the other?s economy falters as well. However, there have been few economic woes since NAFTA became law, which indicates that the economic relationship between the two countries is a strong as ever. For the European Union (E.U.) there are numerous problems with their political behavior. The EU is expanding, incorporating Greece and other Eastern European countries, yet European countries are experiencing a backlash of nationalistic fervor against the immigration that the EU permits.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reason for Returning to School Essay

The reason of why I decided to go back to school and obtain my Bachelor Degree has never been anything out of the ordinary. In today’s society, I see many working adults pursuing their degrees to obtain security and self-fulfillment. While others are looking for the advancement in pay and position in their current or new job. There are even those who need to gain more confidence in their skills to do a good job for their company and they feel that by getting a degree, they can achieve this goal. All of them pertain to me. Especially to today’s current economy, I strongly feel that there is a great advantage to having a degree versus to not having one when it comes to searching for a job. More and more each year, I see new programs for education that are designed for working adults. If there were no real demand for these programs, I believe they would not exist. But that demand is real. There is a larger competitive environment in the work force now then there was a few years ago. With many new and fresh graduates coming out of college, I feel the pressure to increase my credentials to be able to compete. Even though I have built my experience through years of on the job education, I feel that by obtaining a graduate or even undergraduate degree is the only way to secure my position against the growing population of new graduates. I believe that you must continue updating your skills to keep up with this very competitive market. Then, there are those current working adults who are already established in their field, but would like to find a way to increase their potential of getting a raise or promotion. By obtaining a degree, this can show the managers how much value of an employee you are to the company. To have the qualifications and experience can give you a better success rate of getting the raise or promotion that you would ask for. It’s a way of selling yourself and your worth. With a degree, you just are more armed to the task of requesting for an advancement. Once I have obtained my degree, I can then see myself seriously requesting for an advance of my pay and position from my manager. Most importantly is the ability to feel confident in doing your job and to  have that credential to show people. There were many projects that I have been involved in that required myself to learn new skills. One example was learning how to program in Visual Basic 6 to create an interface GUI for one of our robot systems. Another accomplishment that I achieved was generating a database for system files used by our integration department. In almost each project, there were other managers involved besides my own manager. And each one had their doubts in my ability to succeed in the project. I have yet to fail, but each time a new project is started, these doubts from these managers come along with them. Even though I have five-years of experience in my field, I can see that it is harder to prove your ability in your skills with out a four-year degree. It is also much harder to have the confidence in yourself when there are others that lack that confidence in you. That is why I can se e by obtaining a degree can benefit me in many ways besides security and advancement in pay and position. There are times that I try to imagine how different it would be one I have earned my degree. And each time all I can imagine are anything but positive results. Sure, there are concerns and sacrifices that I would need to make down the road. Sacrifice like time. Time with my family and time for myself. But what is a couple of years of sacrifice compared to a lifetime of advancement? I once read an article about a successful businessman and how he achieved his goals by following one philosophy he recited to himself everyday. He believed the reward in terms of happiness is directly proportional to the sacrifice that each one makes. Great philosophy. And I try to live it everyday.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Assessing The Scope And Diversity Of Hilton Hotels Tourism Essay Essays

Assessing The Scope And Diversity Of Hilton Hotels Tourism Essay Essays Assessing The Scope And Diversity Of Hilton Hotels Tourism Essay Essay Assessing The Scope And Diversity Of Hilton Hotels Tourism Essay Essay There are 1.7 million employees engaged in the cordial reception industry in the UK, which is about 6 of the entire on the job category people. Annual turnover is ?55-?60b from the cordial reception industry, includes all sizes or types of cordial reception concerns or administrations. It is so hard to state that which is the biggest administration, as it is depends on so many factors. There are some top operators in the market specialised in ain sectors. By and large, they are based on their annual turnover, sizes, types, figure of employees, sectors, sub-sectors etc. Harmonizing to VisitBritain, 27.7m abroad visitants came to the UK in 2004. There is a 13 addition in footings of like for like gross revenues than the old twelvemonth. Visitors have spent an estimated value of ?13b in the twelvemonth 2004 increasing 10 than 2003, harmonizing to VisitBritain. On the other manus, domestic tourers spent 70.5 million on vacations of more than one dark within the UK. Domestic concern trips were besides made, estimated more than 22 million, in 2003. An estimated entire domestic spend was ?59 billion. In the instance of touristry, there are an estimated 1.4 million occupations in the UK, which is 5 of all working people. Scope: There are 14 industries included in the cordial reception sector ; from hotels and eating houses through to events, chancing, saloon, and nutrient contracts, school repasts, providing for parties, conferences, Night nines and travel services. Diverseness: There are many types of Hospitality services available in the market, such as Luxury hotels ( 5*-7* ) , Boutique hotel, Mid scope hotel, Budget hotel, guest house/B A ; B, residential serviced flats, finish resorts, Time portion, Unusual hotels, sail ships, Conference locales, Coffee shops, fast nutrients, Public house etc. There are many brands we can see in the local or planetary markets, such as Hilton, Marriott, Holiday Inn, Doncaster, and Sheraton etc. Services and monetary values may change harmonizing to size/type and locations. As we know Luxury and Boutique hotels are rather expensive. Hilton: Its history and development in the market Hilton Worldwide provides concern and leisure clients the finest in adjustments, service, comfortss and value in the UK and worldwide. In 1919, Cisco, Texas, Conrad Hilton bought his first of all time hotel, since so they have expended globally, kept original and travel constructs, and developed advanced engineerings to maximise the guest experience. Hilton is the planetary cordial reception administration, straddling the adjustment sector from epicurean full-service hotels and resort to extended-stay suites and mid-priced hotels ( About us: Hilton Worldwide, 2010 ) . There are more than 3,600 hotels in 81 states ; their dependable group of hotel trade names includes the Waldorf Astoria, Conrad Hilton Hotels A ; Resorts, Doubletree, Embassy Suites, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton Inn A ; Suites, Homewood Suites by Hilton, Home2 Suites by Hilton and Hilton Grand Vacations ( About us: Hilton Worldwide, 2010 ) . Hilton s committedness to making extraordinary invitee experiences remains unaffected and their more than 130,000 squad members continue to present the quality of service to the UK and the universe s visitants for 90 old ages of operations ( About us: Hilton Worldwide, 2010 ) . The organizational construction of assorted cordial reception concerns Large full-service hotel: A well-run big full-service housing installation, this requires the undermentioned section caputs: General director Assistant general director Accountant Plant applied scientist Executive housekeeper Human resources director Diversion manager Sports manager Selling and gross revenues manager Gift store director Front office director Food and drink manager Garage director Mid-Size Hotel: Figure 1outlines the organisation of a slightly smaller lodging belongings. Figure 1 Medium size lodging belongings The section caputs required include: General Manager Maintenance/groundskeeper Front office director Accountant Restaurant director Housekeeper Small limited-service hotel: Organisation chart of a limited-service hotel much scaled down from that of a big hotel. Figure 2 Small Limited-service hotel construction The section caputs include: General Manager Front office director Housekeeper Care director Hilton s vision, mission and organizational development Vision: To make full the Earth with the visible radiation and heat of cordial reception ( About us: Hilton Worldwide, 2010 ) . Mission: We will be the pre-eminent planetary cordial reception company the first pick of invitees, squad members and proprietors likewise ( About us: Hilton Worldwide, 2010 ) . Valuess: Their values as follows: Hydrogen HOSPITALITY -A passionate about presenting exceeding invitee experiences. I INTEGRITY -A do the right thing, all the clip. Liter LEADERSHIP -A leaders in our industry and in our communities. Thymine TEAMWORK -A squad participants in everything we do. Oxygen OWNERSHIP -the proprietors of our actions and determinations. Nitrogen NOW -A operate with a sense of urgency and subject ( About us: Hilton Worldwide, 2010 ) . Puting the criterion: Sustainability is a trade name criterion. It s now a critical public presentation step of the concern merely like quality, service, or gross. They are the first major multi-brand cordial reception administration to do such an of import rise. Model for Action Measurement: LightStay, proprietary system, analyses and studies sustainability public presentation at each belongings. Figure 3 Model for Action Coverage: Use 3rd party to verify their system, procedures and consequence. Validate current public presentation while set uping benchmarks for uninterrupted hereafter betterment, merely like a fiscal statement. Learning: They understand the impact of belongings degree and corporate enterprises and portion best patterns across the planetary system. Continuous Improvement: Sustainability is non a plan. Alternatively, sustainable actions are incorporated into how they distribute hotel public presentation around the Earth and a better experience for their invitees. 2.1 The modern-day focal point of the managing cordial reception The importance of presenting uninterrupted quality service in hotels, as defined by the invitee. Successful extension of cordial reception starts with direction s committedness to a service direction plan. Fixing a service scheme statement will concentrate the planning attempts of the proprietors, direction, and employees. Principles of entire quality direction provide a director with an chance to affect frontline employees in analysing the constituents of bringing of service and methods to better bing services. The development of the service direction plan requires the engagement of frontline employees, treatment of the guest rhythm, minutes of truth, employee buy-in construct, showing of possible employees prior to engaging, authorization, preparation, rating of the service direction plan, follow-through, and interfacing with other sections in presenting cordial reception. A long-run committedness to a successful service direction plan is necessary. 2.2 Operational and managerial issues reflecting on developments Specific reappraisal of the function of the front office director revealed many related constructs. Success in supplying effectual supervising begins with a reappraisal of the resources available to the front office director, such as employees, equipment, room stock list, fundss, and gross revenues chances. After analysing these resources, the front office director can direct the section more efficaciously ; the aims of doing a net income and presenting cordial reception to the invitee can be achieved more easy. The functional function of the front office director can be understood by fixing a occupation analysis and occupation description. This procedure allows the future professional to see the major duties of the occupation and the assorted departmental relationships involved. The many places found on a front office staff have the common end of supplying cordial reception to the invitee. Training, authorization, and flexibleness are necessary to do the squad work. Prediction, programming, developing a supervisory manner, actuating forces, equilibrating staff personalities, deputing undertakings, preparation, and efficaciously pass oning are merely a few of the accomplishments a good supervisor must get the hang. It is a womb-to-tomb attempt developed through go oning instruction and test and mistake.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Smoke after explosion Essay Example

Smoke after explosion Essay Example Smoke after explosion Essay Smoke after explosion Essay Smoke after explosion disappears. People are terrified by the gangs in guns. Suddenly, salience covers the whole scene. A man with a cape on his back appears binding those gangs. This is commonly seen on television on our favorite cartoon show or a television series that tackles about superheroes. Man on distinctive costume will suddenly come out when a disaster or an accident happen. Those supernatural beings that possessed super powers are often the content of our minds during childhood years and even during adolescence. We even act like them; portraying their image, imitating their costumes and etc. With these we forget for awhile our problems, the problem of the society and etc. We sometimes wish that they exist. Even as how many times we wish or believe they’re real, we still cannot deny the fact that they were only created to entertain us. They were only created by writers to play on our minds. But even though they were created for that purpose, they still play a great r ole in molding our minds and beings. We cannot deny that we can get lessons from those superheroes that we admire. Superheroes do not have even bad habits; thus they play a great role in the area of character building. As I watch the stars at night I always think of creating my own superhero character. Its image would have the taste of a typical Chinese character or Japanese perhaps. It would have a height of no more than an ordinary man; a height of five feet and seven inches maybe. With it he cannot be feared by the people or the young ones. Its skin would be as that of a cut tree trunk. If you combine the color brown and the white, it will give a somewhat flesh color; and that’s the color of the character. Its eyes would be as tame as a lamb where you cannot see or predict his capability of killing; eyes that is as clear as the sky. Its hair would cover half of its face such that when a wind blows it will only move like stalks of the rice. Superheroes are known for their distinctive costumes. Many of them are remembered due to their appearances. Like Spiderman, he is known for his â€Å"spider-like† costume. For my superhero character, what I have in mind is to fit his costume with the image that he has. It would have a dress of white color. It is not totally fit to his body so that it will just swing together with the wind. If you look at the costume of the main character of the Japanese aneme Samurai X it will be like that but will differ only in color and the textile to be used. I would prefer to have him a costume that is somewhat half transparent. Also it the costume would reach his feet, I mean it will be such like a whole dress. Near the button of its dress would have a line colored red. It will serve as an indicator that despite of his purity, he is still capable of killing (but of course those who are enemy of the society only). On the issue of its character, he will be as good as the other superheroes. He will help the people when trouble comes. He will appear but people will not know where he comes from. He will only be seen when trouble comes. He will not often talk. When people admire or say thank you for his help, he will just give back a smile saying you’re welcome. I want it that way so that people will wonder and question his existence. It may be like the other superheroes but I like that type of character. I always want to have that kind of stuff in me. Since I was a child I want to be that kind of character. Well anyway, it may sound strange but that makes my superhero unique. This character that I’ve created has of course a job like an ordinary man. He is a teacher in high school. He will be often recognized for his excellence in teaching and in molding the character of the children or the students. Students who possess bad character would be tamed when he talk. He is humble and a do wn-to-earth teacher. He still will not talk often but only does when it’s necessary and when his words are important. With that character many will love him but he will have no close friends. He is often alone together with his laptop. With that many parents will admire his attitude and his talent in music. He can play any instrument and when he plays, everybody will stop from working just to listen to the melody of his pieces. Like other superheroes he will fall in love with a woman who sells flowers on a street near the school. The girl’s beauty would capture the heart of every man but it will not be recognized due to the nature of   the job she has and due to the dirt that cover her face during works. A man who only has good intention will love her. That’s why I like her to be the partner of my character. Of course, the woman did not know the feelings of the superhero character. They will be as good as friends. In fact this is the only friend that the character has. They will be seen on street before the teacher goes home. The girl will love him too but secretly. In other words they will have the same feelings but nobody will dare to tell it and they will keep on hiding it as much as possible. On the other hand, his super power will be beyond limits. Due to his talent in playing instruments his super power will come out when he play his flute. It is not like any other flute. It will have a hole of five and is made of bamboo. Its melody will be the greatest melody you’ll ever hear. When he will play that flute a wind will cover his whole body. It will be like a whirlwind surrounding him when he does it. It will make his hair and his costume glaze on the touches that the wind do. Another power that he possesses is the blue flame he is able to produce. He can produce it whenever he wants it. When the blue flame and the power of the flute will combined, a supernatural power will occur. The flame will serve as a whirlwind that will burn every bandit he wants. Despite of his super powers his humility will still be seen. A tame lamb can still be acknowledged but his identity will be a mystery for the people. He is also capable of fighting using bear hands. He’s spee d will not be predicted because of the soft character that he has. He has also a strength that nobody has. Young people will admire him due to his capabilities and his character. He will be the headlines of every newspaper. His existence will be a mystery because of some factors. He will live in an isolated place. His house will be that of an average professional. He will live alone. Outside his house grew a big tree such that its branches will shade the whole house. Birds will perch on the tree. They will build their nests. No pets will live with the character except the wild birds that he fed every morning. Near its house is a stream that will serve as a water source for him and the birds. His electric supply comes from a turbine on the stream. In other words he utilizes the water source to convert it into an electrical energy. He will have no appliances and gadgets except for his laptop that will be used for his profession. The society that we have right now is somewhat the society that we never dreamed of; killings, terrorism activities, explosions, political problems and etc. are commonly seen on television news. The superhero that I’ve created will solve some of the problems. He will fight against terrorists. He will help the people when calamities occur. Because he is a high school professor he can help in cultivating young minds and teaching them the right attitude and perspective. He will be against drug addiction and will help the government in solving those problems. One thing I think why I choose him to be a teacher because I believe that those people who are involve in criminal activities (this includes corruption and other crime) are the ones who lack the guidance of the adults. We cannot deny that many factors affects the minds of the children but that kind of attitude that my superhero has will be a great in achieving the desired character that we want for our children. If we think for the existence of our superheroes we can claim that the problems will be eradicated. It’s nice to know and imagine the life and the society that we have if they exist and it is even more exciting if we are one of them. As what I’ve mentioned above, they are part of our lives. Superheroes may not exist in reality but they exist in our hearts. Work cited: Superhero (2007). Retrieve on April 13, 2007 from

Monday, November 4, 2019

Music Therapy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Music Therapy - Research Paper Example This help can be obtained in various ways that may include medication and use of music therapy. Music therapy is a common, cost effective way of dealing with such cases, and the therapists provide an excellent treatment through the use of music. Music Therapy Music is a universal language which for a long time has been present in initiating rites of passage as a way of expanding consciousness and healing. Music is a therapy used to an individual’s listening pleasure to relax the body and mind. For quite a long time, man has been using music as a form of healing and well being. A large number of people use music as a therapy to reduce stress and help them relax. Not all kinds of music can be used for healing, because certain types of music are believed to have a negative connotation. For instance, sensual music has been found to be a threat to the stability of the nation, while loud music can cause depression because of too much noise. Therefore, the choice of music during heal ing is very significant because it influences emotions, affects health, and can be used to enhance meditation and deep relaxation. Doctors and therapists have proposed music as an intervention in therapy for stress and stress related disorders. This is because some of the disorder have no clear, organic origin, and may be as a result of stressful life situations or significant events in a person’s life. In this case, music therapy can stimulate positive emotions, enhance a coping mechanism and enable recovery through the use of music. Music can also be used to restore, maintain and improve emotional and psychological wellbeing. In some other cases, music can influence physical behaviors and affect psychological response. It affects the mood of a person and the affective responses in individuals. One of the effective ways of making the most out of music therapy is by coming up with one’s own playlist. Since the playlist has songs that an individual love, they can work w ell especially when one feels the need to unwind from a stressful day. Music also works to affect the mood, and if one gets to listen to his or her favorite playlist, anger may dissolve and disappear arousing a happy mood. Music has proven effective especially in reaching people who are unreachable as some of the songs embody life experiences and may bring memories of courtship, weddings, or wartime among others. Creative music Therapy Creative music therapy is insistent on the use of little verbalization during therapy. When it was first developed, creative music therapy was aimed for children who were autistic, mentally and emotionally handicapped, emotionally and behaviorally disturbed and for those with learning disabilities (Wigram, Pederson & Bonde 126). It continues to emphasize on the improviser's skill to create potentials and possibilities within the patients by enabling them to play music and feel a sense of exploration in what they are doing. Analytical Music therapy Ana lytical music therapy involves a creative process in music making in order to draw unconscious experiences and feelings from clients in therapy, and treat them through an analytical model of work. One of the characteristics of analytical music therapy is that symbolic use of improvised music played either together by the music therapist and the patient or played by the patient alone. Mozart Effects Music of all styles is available to

Friday, November 1, 2019

The financial pro's and con's of outsourcing - how to judge wether an Essay

The financial pro's and con's of outsourcing - how to judge wether an activity should be outsourced - Essay Example Beneifer Irani states that outsourcing offers freedom to pass on non – core, yet important sectors of its administration on companies that specializ in those very individual aspects. (Beneifer Irani)2 The advantage of outsourcing lies in the fact that it helps companies to cut costs and stay ahead in the competition. Indeed Companies can save up on operational costs to half by outsourcing. They get access to cheaper and more efficient labour and save up on training costs. They can also access better technologies at lower cost. Outsourcing also helps to increase productivity as they pay to a third party purely on output. It allows the company to concentrate on its core competency. Companies today want to make use of the outsourcing advantage in order to progress and stay abreast of the competition. The main disadvantage of outsourcing is that the company can get into serious trouble if the service provider is unable to provide the business or service due to bankruptcy, lack of funds, labour troubles etc. There is also a loss of control over the process that is outsourced and there may be a loss of quality. Unless the outsourced service is exclusively provided to one company, there is chance of the service provider failing one or the other principal and this can cause disruption in smooth flow of work. Outsourcing jobs to offshore destinations, is causing some unemployment as both high and low-end jobs are moving out. There is often a conflict between companies, national economies and individuals and it is difficult to reconcile all the stakeholders. The company must consider outsourcing on the level of its core requirements. If an activity is considered a core activity then it should not outsource it to a third party as it is not likely to be handled by better people than the company has. The very fact that it is a core competency declares that the company is most competent to perform it. However core competency has separate meaning for